group of people meet for tunnel league

The ‘Secret Sauce’ Of Our Learn to Skydive Programs

Tuesday, December 5, 2017

We know that learning to skydive is a monumental undertaking. However: We’ve been putting new skydivers through their paces for decades, and we’ve learned a few things along the way. That’s why Paraclete offers some pretty darned unique advantages for students in their skydiving certification program–because we know what helps skydiving students succeed in their quest.

One of the many points to set Paraclete’s learn-to-skydive program apart is the accessibility our students enjoy to cheap wind tunnel time and highly experienced coaches. This is our Student League. It’s exclusively for students of our PSP/Learn to Skydive Program, and it’s our “Secret Sauce” for accelerating bodyflight skills.

You’ll Get Awesome While Saving Money. At The Same Time.

How often do those two things coincide? Typically, repeat flyers pay $96 for a five-minute block of tunnel time. As a PSP student and a Student League participant, you’ll be guaranteed at least six mins of flying time for $85 (and possibly more time, if fewer students show up).

Here’s a hot tip: If only one person shows up, they will get an hour of instructor coached tunnel time for that price. Ask anybody: That’s an AMAZING opportunity.

students fly in wind tunnel for tunnel league

The Tunnel Will Give You The Opportunity To Exponentially Increase Your Learning.

Students who take full advantage of the Student League opportunity typically graduate their PSP program with the same level of confidence and abilities as skydivers with hundreds of jumps.

Yep. We said it. Hundreds of jumps.

We can say that with absolute confidence. The “indoor skydiving” wind tunnel is, hands-down, the most efficient, precise and reliable way to advance the bodyflight skills that will make or break your experience in the sky. The more time you spend in the airflow, the more quickly you’ll level up. In the Student League, you’ll be tickin’ off those minutes like nobody’s business–and then using what you learn in the wild blue yonder.

You’ll Create Friends For Life.

You can expect Student League night–that is, every Wednesday between 6:00 pm and 7:00 pm–to be a cherished part of your week. We’d be surprised if you decide to go straight home afterward without grabbing dinner and a drink or two! At the windytube, you’ll cement the friendships you’ve created at the dropzone–and you’ll encourage each other to keep striving. It’s pretty much magic.

If you’re located in the Southeast, there is no more comprehensive training program to learn to skydive than Skydive Paraclete XP. Student League is just one of the many reasons to learn to skydive with us! Don’t be a stranger. We’re looking forward to helping you earn your wings.

Learn More About Student League

Men and women clapping and smiling while watching coworkers skydive indoors at Paraclete XP.

Andrew was my 8 & 10yr olds coach. They loved him & gave them an awesome first time experience. They will definitely be saving their money to go back. Loved the place & staff!

Patty Higareda-Manivong