indoor skydiving safer than skydiving

Is Indoor Skydiving Safer Than Skydiving?

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

It’s an immense misconception that adventurers are massive risk-takers. Rather, most of the folks who engage in seemingly perilous activities are actually risk mitigators! If you’re trying to determine whether skydiving or indoor skydiving is a better option for you, it makes perfect sense to weigh the risks.

So, is indoor skydiving safer than skydiving? Although skydiving is a whole lot safer than you might think, the short answer is yes: indoor skydiving is safer than skydiving. Because indoor skydiving happens within the confines of a large, vertical chamber, many of the external factors that affect the safety of skydiving are removed.

Safe Doesn’t Mean Dull

Now, don’t take the fact that indoor skydiving is safer than skydiving to mean it’s any less enjoyable! Indoor skydiving is a ton of fun for little ones and adults alike. Likewise, indoor skydiving can be as effortless or exacting as you choose. 

There’s a great deal to learn about the dynamics of body flight, and as your kinesthetic sense grows you will be able to develop your skills immensely. Flying in the wind tunnel is about exploring all axes. 

You can fly on your belly, your back, in a seated position, or even head down. Furthermore, your movement doesn’t have to be static, once you have the prerequisite skill, you can alternate between each – perhaps even pausing in between, flying on your knees. There are endless possibilities! 

indoor skydiving safer than skydiving

What Are the Risks of Indoor Skydiving?

While indoor skydiving is safer than skydiving, there are minimal risks involved. 

Typically, risks include bumps and bruises from collisions with the walls of the wind tunnel or with other flyers. To avoid collisions, it’s important to listen to the instructors and, when learning highspeed positions (like head up or head down), to take things slowly! It may seem counterintuitive, but in this sport, slow is steady … and steady is fast! 

Following our advice will help to keep the risks low and the potential for fun high (53’ high to be exact).

Proper Gear Makes All the Difference

In both skydiving and indoor skydiving, gear plays an important, functional role

Naturally, indoor skydiving does not need to involve a parachute, altimeter, or Automatic Activation Device (AAD), but both activities use helmets, suits, and gloves to protect the body from bumps and abrasions.

Risks In Outdoor Skydiving

As we mentioned before, skydiving is much safer than you might first assume. Thanks to advancements in technology and training, skydiving safety has come a long way. 

Routine maintenance of aircraft and equipment diminishes risks of parachute or plane failure. In the case of parachute failure, if there is an issue with the main parachute, every skydiving container also includes a reserve (back up) parachute. Every skydiving container used by student and tandem skydivers is also required to contain an AAD, which will deploy the parachute in the event the instructor is unable to do so. 

Additionally, making conscious choices about the weather in which you jump can further mitigate the risks associated with landing. As every skydiver knows, jumping in high winds and inclement weather is discouraged and, if conditions violate Federal Aviation Regulation, prohibited.

indoor skydiving safer than skydiving

Mitigate Risk By Following the Rules

Following the rules doesn’t mean limiting fun. One of the critical ways we mitigate the risks involved in skydiving and indoor skydiving is by following the rules. From weight restrictions to regulations regarding weather, the rules are in place to allow individuals to safely enjoy these two incredible sports. 

If you want a gentle introduction to the feeling of freefall, give indoor skydiving a try. Or, if you’re ready to go all in and take the leap from 13,500 feet, give the dropzone a call!




Men and women clapping and smiling while watching coworkers skydive indoors at Paraclete XP.

Absolutely awesome experience! We got the buddy package and my buddy was super nervous.. But we had a blast. Not to mention the staff were so welcoming, assuring, and encouraging. We felt so safe with them! Thanks Manny!

Kayla Masser