Keeping Calm When Indoor Skydiving

The Art of Keeping Calm When Indoor Skydiving

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Okay, you think to yourself. It’s not like I’m jumping out of a plane. I’ll be safely in the confines of this super-secure glass tube, protected top and bottom by heavy duty cables. And I’m watching three-year-olds do this, no problem. So why am I so nervous to go in the indoor skydiving wind tunnel?! This is crazy!

It’s not so crazy. Really, it’s not! Doing anything for the first time — especially something that requires a bit of strength and physical wherewithal — reliably delivers at least a few butterflies. Forewarned is, of course, forearmed — so let’s break down how to tackle that first-timer nervousness like a boss.

#1: Everyone is nervous to step inside the tunnel for the first time

There’s a bit of an inconvenient truth standing in the way of becoming truly, inarguably awesome: doing anything new is universally scary. You can overcome the fear itself, sure — but you can’t overcome that fact.

The other side of that might be even more revelatory: It’s great that indoor skydiving makes you nervous. You should try to do at least one thing every day that does, because tackling the part of you that wants to stay in your comfort zone is the most reliable way to have a better and better life. Pro tip: Yes, indoor skydiving is uniquely accessible for all ages and abilities, but it’s certainly not without its challenges, and the fact that you’re walking in with a healthy dose of respect can only help you.

Keeping Calm When Indoor Skydiving

#2: You won’t be alone in there.
Your instructor has your back (and arms and legs and front and sides)

Feeling alone? Well, you’re not. Every time you are in the wind tunnel, you have a new best friend in there with you — the eminently experienced indoor skydiving instructor whose job it will be to help you nail the body position and enjoy the wind to the fullest.

Once in the tunnel, you’ll assume the position you’ve trained for during the briefing, but it’s your instructor who will fine-tune your body position — and keep you from touching the walls around you or the net below. At no point will you be without your instructor’s expert guidance and a friendly face.

#3. Your nervousness is about to dissolve completely

So: if you’re standing outside the tunnel with an I-don’t-know-about-this face on, don’t worry. You’re certainly not the first! We encourage you to have some well-deserved faith in yourself. After all: You’ll find your courage along the way, just like everybody else has who has zipped up that jumpsuit for the first time. Don’t hold yourself back! Take a deep breath, overcome that initial hesitation and smile. Once you commit yourself to the idea of expanding your horizons in this truly unique way, you’ll be all kinds of glad you did.

Young boy smiles while flying in the tunnel at the Paraclete XP youth league.

So. Much. Fun. Including my accidental "acrobatics" and giggles. My very patient instructors were AHmazing! Our campers from UNCW Engineering Expectations LOVED the experience! Thanks, guys!

Amber Lee